Flowstate Coaching Platform

Replay and record feedback in real time

Coaching is a vital part of your park’s experience, and that’s why we’ve developed our dedicated coaching platform. With near real-time replay capabilities, coaches can deliver immediate, actionable feedback, enhancing the overall learning experience. Our platform allows for visual feedback with comments and annotations, going beyond verbal instruction. Surfers can see precisely what to improve and how, helping them make faster, more meaningful progress in their technique.

Real time wave playback
Provide feedback as it happens for each wave, or at the end of the session with the ability to replay all waves.
Annotate, comment, screen record and more
We provide all the tools needed for a thorough coaching experience, allowing coaches to fully engage with surfers through rich, interactive feedback.
Store feedback for future reference
Surfers can refer back to past coaching annotations whenever they need, helping reinforce key learnings over time.
Additional revenue stream
Flowstate enables industry-leading coaching sessions that enhance your park’s offerings and increase revenue.
Quick snippets for efficient feedback
Customizable quick snippets allow coaches to pre-prepare responses for common issues and quickly attach feedback (along with rich media and additional resources) in one simple click (or tap!).
Cross platform compatibility
Prefer to draw your annotations with a touchscreen device? No problem! Flowstate is compatible with all major devices and browsers.

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Chat with us to learn more about how Flowstate can help you level up the experience at your surf park.